Kamis, 18 September 2014

Penipuan Via Facebook dari sosok yang mengaku “Bule”

Hai kawan-kawan yang sempat mencari informasi terkait akun-akun milik orang asing yang datang menyapa melalui inbox di facebook. Wah mungkin sebagian dari kalian senang karena si bule menyapa kalian terlebih dahulu dan menyatakan ketertarikan mereka atas diri kalian... siapa sih yang tidak senang dengan rayuan maut sang bule, terlebih jika kita melihat beberapa foto facebooknya berwajah cakep. Hmmm kalian2 yang terobesesi ingin jadi orang bule pasti mulai deh melayang entah kemana, tapi tunggu duluuuu... kata mama dulu waktu jaman sekolah SD (baca es De), “Jangan percaa dengan Orang yang baru kamu kenall nak”, yahh ternyata ini adalah nasehat yang luar biasa... dan memeng betul kita tidak boleh percaya dengan orang begitu saja. Apalagi sama orang yang kita tidak kenal. Saran gue jangan dehhhh.... toh yang udah kita kenal aja kita masih suka curiga, apalagi yang baru di kenal dalam hitungan hari terlebih gak pernah ketemu dan hanya ketemunya di dunia maa .. so jangan langsung percaya sama mereka yah teman-teman..
Nah pasti kalian sering mendapatkan pesan inbox dari orang-orang yang terlihat sebagai “Bule” di foto-foto akun facebooknya, saya sih sering malah lebih dari 5 kali tapi setiap ingin membaca inbox itu entah kenapa kebanyakan dalam bentuk spam, jadi mo dibalas aja kagak bisa. Pernah saya sempat membalas pesan inbox dari seseorang tapi beberapa hari kemudian pas mau ngebalas lagi tiba-tiba pesannya udah jadi spam..
Nah setelah itu ada kasus baru lagi terkait inbox dari warga bule yang masuk di inboxku. Itu facebookku yang pertama kali ku buat. (maklum akun fbku ada 2, satu namanya agak islami alay gimana gituuu.. satu lagi nama lengkapku). Tapi jarang banget tuh saya buka akun lamaku, karena saya lebih fokus ke akun facebook baruku ..
Hingga pada suatu hari ada pesan dari seorang bule yang ngakunya berasal dari United Kingdom, di British, ingris, Namanya Frederick Sebastian yang ngakunya Duda beranak dua berusia 36 tahun yang ditinggal mati Oleh Istrinya, dan anak pertamanya cewek dan anak ke duanya cowok yang masih bayi (sekitar 1 tahunan lah ) pesan yang ia kirim ke saya itu di mulai sejak tanggal 3 september 2014 pukul 15:41 nah ini dia percakapan kami via facebook :
Percakapan dimulai tanggal 3 September hingga 17 September (Tepat 2 Pekan/14 Hari)
·         Si Bule : 3 september 2014 pukul 15:41
How are you today? My name is Frederick, or you can call me Fred . I just came across your profile from one of your friends on Facebook,so don't be surprise as I message you, Although you don't know me and I don't know you too, but I will like if we can be friends so we can know each other as good friends, Take care of yourself and have a nice day.

·         Saya : 4 september 2014 pukul 12:16
I'm fine, thank u.

·         Si Bule : 6 september 2014 pukul 00:39
You are welcome and nice to meet you here, I'm from London, United Kingdom, and how about you,where do you come from and what is your real name?

·         Saya : 9 september 2014 pukul 14:58
i'm from Indonesia. In my facebook, this is my real name. U can call me erna. Why u want to send message for me?

·         Si Bule : 9 september 2014 pukul 23;03
Hello my friend, how are you today? thanks for your nice reply, Like as I said before, my name is Frederick, I'm from London United Kingdom, I have 2 kids but my Wife is dead, My work is construction Engineering.
I will like to know if you don't mind,are you single or married and what is your daily work, I have interest on you,although we never know each other before but this will be an opportunity for us to know more about each other. Bye for now and take good care of yourself,I hope to read from you soon.

·         Saya : 10 september 2014 pukul 06:10
This day I'm fine. Thanks. I was finished my graduate some month ago. Now I just to prepare for my master deegre. I'm single. I'm never maried. By the way. How u're old now? I'm so sorry if my english grammar not good.

·         Bule : 10 september 2014 pukul 18:17
Hello my dear friend, how are you today? I hope all your family members are doing fine and good today? Anyway I just want to check on you because you are my new friend and I have responsibility to check on you as my friend . I don't think age will be a barrier for us but anyway my age is 36 years and don't worry about your English speaking, I can understand you okay.
I will like to share my idea with you, the truth is that we never know each other for the very first time, but I have convinced in my heart that if we are close to each other, we can be best friends,if possible more than a friends. since I lost my wife I haven't found love.
I know we are on social media now as a friend but my believe is that once we can agree that we can become more closer to each other then we can make our friendship more reality because Good friends is better than a bad siblings. I will like us to share our life experiences and it will enable us to know more better about this our friendship, My point is that I like you and I want you to be special to my life.

·         Saya : 11 september 2014 pukul 02:30
Thank you for your curiosity about me. may be useful if we so a friend, for the days I can't guess the future will look like, so maybe this time is the right thing for us to know each other. if you want to talk about whatever is in your life for me, please tell, I'll be a good listener.

in my life, I almost do not have a special friend or rather a boyfriend. even when I was in college, my focus just for my college course, without thinking to have someone who is more than a friend (boyfriend). because in our culture and customs in Indonesia upholds the traditions of behavior. So for that I was keeping myself.
Because we only know each other is just as well you don't immediately believe in me.

you may also need to know more about me. not good if we just believe in someone. Sorry, but there is such a good idea. I hope your days are always good and healthy.

·         Bule : 11 september 2014 pukul 16:33
Hello my dear friend, thanks for your message and I understood your message but I want to discuss some things with you. Yes is true we never met before but distance will not be a barrier when you fine love, happiness from someone you caring to or someone who take you as part of his or her life.
I took you as part of my life, we can share our life experiences together and talk about good things that can benefit our friendship,so don't worry about time,distance and language.culture or religion. Your religion might be different from mine but the fact is that we are all created by one God, so don't worry about religion because I understood that God is God and different religion will not have to put to an end of our closeness or been friends.
Take it or leave it, God is not interested with your religion or my religion, what God is interested is out life and how we live our life here on earth, if you do bad thing,God will not accept you in heaven, same also to me because God did not like people that do bad things,so when we die,God will not ask us what is your religion? God will only be interested with things you did when you are alive and how you worship him as God.
I will like to stop my message here when next I message you I will like us to discuss something else that is also important, I like you because you have open mind and you don't hide your feelings, I will like to know you in person so our friendship can become stronger,bye for now and take good care of yourself.

·         Saya : 11 september 2014 pukul 16:47
Thank u. But before I just try to tell u about what I Think. Yes I know we are have so many different thing. But for all people I will open my self to be a friend.
Thank u because u was explain to me how u think about religion.
I know, we're different religion. BTW, What are u want to discus the important things to me? Please tell me.
Thank'u and take u're self and u're children too. Have fun and happy.

·         Bule : 12  september 2014 pukul  01:20
Hello my dear, I have started to miss you, I believe this is true feelings for me because I don't want to be heart broken again, since I lost my wife, I'm scared to lose my love again. I hope your day is fine and good? I wish you happy new week and enjoy your time. I understand that we have not been together for the very first time before, but I want to express to you the love that I feel.
My dear I can't sleep well at night cos I'm always thinking about you,I wish we share the same bed every night so my feelings for you will be complete. I really want you to be my wife so we can love each other till death do us apart,my dear friend please take good care of yourself for me and have a wonderful moment okay and bye for now.

·         Saya : 12 september 2014 pukul 02:52
Thank u for say you're feeling to me. But can u love someone who u never see her in u're life? Why do u interest too me and u believe me, if I can become the better peson for u in u're life? We live in the big world and u don't meet the women near with u in you're place? I'm so sorry before if I always ask u. But really it's just to know what are u thinking about me.. Take care. . And always happy for all u're time.

·         Bule : 13 september 2014 pukul 17:49
My dear thanks for your reply but I want to tell you something important, the world we are living today maybe too big in our eyes but is also small in other way round, what I mean is that love in actual sense of it is blind.
What I mean by blind it that true love does not ask for age,country,color,height, or distance, when you have feelings for someone, don't have a negative thought first, just pray and put everything in the hands of God, I have asking God in my prayers to show me who will be my wife, but since I started to message you, I have extra ordinary feelings for you, I may not be able to give much explanations about my feelings but I know what I mean okay.
Please lets not argue about this things because it will not help the us to grow,I have already expressed my feelings for you,but is up to you to choose if you will accept me or not,is very true that we never meet but someone can like you through your character or the way you approach to people or even through looking at your pictures can make someone to have interest on you.

·         Saya : 14 september 2014 pukul 09:38
Thank u. . . I don't know how Can I answer u're question. . This is make me confuse. . Btw, why u're wife die? I want to hear about u're story. Please tell me.

·         Bule : 16 September 2014 pukul  6:41
How are you today? sorry for my late reply and how was your night, I hope you slept well my dear? anyway my wife died in car accident but I have 2 kids with her before she died, I don't like to talk about her story because it makes me to feel sad.

·         Saya : 16 September 2014 pukul 06:48
Now in Indonesia is morning. Oh. I'm sorry if u don't want to tell me about her story. It's no problem. Take care for u and u're family.

·         Bule : 16 September 2014 6:50
Is not that I don't want to tell you her story but when I talk about it I start to cry, so is better when we meet then we can talk about all okay, I know is morning already at your country because the time here is 12:50 at mid night so I hope your night was awesome?
Did you dream about me honey? but I always think about you and you know that I love you, I'm ready to sacrifice what I have just to make you happy with me, I will be the most greatful man on earth if you will accept me to be your dream husband please.

·         Saya : 16 september 2014 pukul 07:16
Thank's for think about me... I'm so sorry, if u don't want to tell me about u're wife for this time. Now in indonesia at 7.17 am. hahhahah.... I don't know, how I think about you for this time. I was saw u're childrean, their so very handsome and beauty... Take care u're self and u're children. Don't sleep so late, it not good for u're healthy.

·         Bule : 16 September 2014 pukul 07:22
Thanks dear for your reply, I promise when we meet I will tell you all about me but I have already told you some of the things which you must know,so relax yourself,I have more love for you than you think, from now onwards I will start to make arrangement on how to come and meet you at your country. but before then, please don't meet any other man okay and wait for me to come. bye for now my dear love and have a nice day honey, I wish you all the best and may God bless you and protect you for me, I want to sleep now I hope to dream about you dear.

Lampiran ini mungkin telah dihapus atau orang yang berbagi mungkin tidak memiliki izin untuk berbagi dengan Anda.

·         Saya : 16 september 2014 07:25
hahahahhahaha..... Now, I seldom go around, I just stand in my house, I always protect my self. I just always try to be a better girl..

·         Bule : 17 September 2014 (03:07)
Hello my dear, sorry for my late reply, I hope your day was fine, by now you maybe sleeping already but is okay I just want to wish you good night and sleep well with sweet dreams okay. Honey there is something which I will like you to do for me, please help me to Get the price of new car and new house in a very good and quite place honey,just get the price for me and don't worry about the money to buy it, I will take care of it all because I want to be a good husband and also a good father to our kids. choose any car of your choice okay and tell me the price. Honey I want you to give me the information about the car price and a house price as soon as possible,bye for now my sweet heart.

·         Saya : 17 september 2014 pukul 07:41
Where do u want to life? I'm in Indonesia and u In u're country. The price in indonesia?

Can u sent u're new photos with u're children? I want to see u. If u want to have a new car and new house, u must to have much money. The car and new house in indonesia is so very expensive. U must to have 10.000 pounds for the better new car and 80.000 pounds for the nice house.

·         Bule : 17 September 2014 (09:40)
Honey I will send some money to you for the purpose of my coming to your country and also to buy house and car with other important things we may need after our marriage so when I send the money to you just keep it for me till I come to your country cos I can't travel with big money ,but not through bank because the requirement and the procedure will be too much on me.
So send me your data information so that I will fill it in the form of courier service company ,and they will deliver it to your home address. I want to send it TO YOU BECAUSE I HAVE LOVED AND TRUSTED YOU. I will come to visit you by next month cos my contract will soon finish here okay,so what I need from you now .
1 Your full name 2 Your current home address 3 Your active phone number Send it now so that i will register it today,when I finish registered it I will let you know when the package will arrive to your country cos agent has to bring it to you at your doorstep to avoid loss or misplacement okay, I love you honey and I will wait for your reply.

Me and my daughter all is new picture that we took Tuesday.

Now my kids are in my parents house because when I go to work they stay with my parents then on weekend I meet them and take them out for weekend.

·         Saya : 17 september 2014 (10:01)
Oh. I don't want to u're money. I have much money. I have big house it's my father gift and i have 2 cars. So I don't think for accept u're money. Maybe u can save u're money.

·         Bule : 17 September 2014 (10:04)

·         Saya : 17 september 2014 (10:09)
Maybe u must to Save u're money in ATM. I have much money. If u want to go there enough with bring for u fee transportation. If in Indonesia u're money not enough. I will give u. U can stay at my house, it's free. Or maybe in my parent house up to you.. So. If u want to come here please. But don't give me u're money. Right'?

·         Bule : 17 September 2014 (10:11)
I will not force you to help me okay, if you said you don't want I will not disturb you about it again,as the matter of fact I will cancel of my coming to your country because I will not come therefore with no money, my reason is to send some of my things to you so when I want to come and meet you I will not carry much things again, and I can't travel with big money with me. every foreigner coming to your country will not carry money more than $10,000 Dollars because I saw about your country and how to travel to your country through internet. That was my reason to send my money to you first to help me to save it until I come there.

I don't need your money as you also don't need my money, I can take care of myself also, so keep your money,as you said you are rich woman that is for yourself. you are not the most rich woman on earth so boast about it because when you have money,is for yourself.

Just go straight to the point and stop beating around the bush okay, if you don't want to help me to receive what I want to send to you then tell me you don't want than to be talking and making argument, I'm not forcing you to receive something from me.

·         Saya : 17 september 2014 (10:17)
I hope u're come in my country. Don't be afraid if u don't bring much money. I have money in the bank. It's enough if u come here. I have money in round numbers 255.750 in dolar. It's legacy from my grendpa. Cause my grandpa have a big business in west java. And in my family my parent don't have brother or sister n I just have one brother. So don't afraid about money. I can handle it. Okay?

·         Bule : 17 September 2014 (10:20)
Sorry I don't need your money,as the matter of fact I can't come to your country because you lack trust in me, I don't want to come there again,bye for now and take care of yourself.

·         Saya : 17 september 2014 (10:27)
Hahahaha. . I know. U are so poor man and u just work for do deception. U're so poor. I know u're have syndicate in british and malaysia. But sorry i'm not stupit. I have much money, so for what I want to accept u're money.? I dont have some reason for it. I'm not interes for man like u. In my country so many rich man. Don't like u. A DECEIVER. Oh really U'RE SO POOR. Take other people picture and say it u're photo. Dasar mata duitan. Dunggu. Miskin dan bodoh. Pemalas cuma bisa memeras. Saya terlalu pintar untuk kamu tipu. MANUSIA BODOH. I'm so clever. And u're stupit. LOL.

·         Bule : 17 September 2014 (10:31)
You are very stupid, I'm not poor man and I will never be poor man, is you that is poor okay, go to hell and born to blazes I don't care.

Wahhh masa’ sih baru 3-4 kali kirim inbox udah bilang suka, oh nooo.. kentara banget “Penipu”. Jangan tergoda dengan tipuan mereka yah, banyak cari info deh di mbah “Google” tentang penipuan bermodus inbox facebook... rata-rata yang saya baca itu mengaku asalnya dari United Kingdom di inggris. Padahal sih katanya yang pernah alami penipuan begini yang pelakunya itu orang nigeria berkulit hitam yang make potonya orang lain .. hmmm kasian juga yah yang punya foto dipake orang yang suka menipu untuk menipu orang...
So... Jangan tergoda dengan orang asing yang tiba-tiba inbox kamu tanpa menerima permintaan pertemanan sebelumnya atau tidak menjadi temanmu di facebook.
Kalau saya sih gak tertarik banget sama si bule, toh orang indonesia masih buanyak yang cakep-cakep kookkk, yang kaya-kaya juga masihh buanyak kookk. kalo orang luar indonesia sendiri saya lebih tertarik dengan orang “Asia” like korea.. hahahhahahah apalagi perpaduan Indonesia-Timur tengah seperti Korea-aman, ada tuh teman fb-ku mamanya asli korea bapaknya asli yordania, dan Alhamdulillah mamanya berjilbab lohh.. anaknya??? Asliiii cakkeeeeppp bunagat dah, cantikkkkkk buangat dahhh... Masya Allah yah ciptaan Allah.. J
Okay ingat yah jangan percaya dengan orang yang baru kita kenal, kalo buka2 internet banyak2 istighfar dan baca ta’audz dulu deh... karena biasanya juga orang di dunia maya itu pake ilmu hipnotis gitu dahhh... J
So... Bijaklah dalam menilai orany yang baru anda kenal.. Right???
Salam manis, erene 19 September 2014

Nah ini dia tampilan FB-nya:

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